
Sunday, July 20, 2014

Testing the Waters

On November 12, 2012 I decided that I wanted to start my own blog. I took all the steps in preparing the blog, however I was afraid of that first post. So on today, July 20, 2014 (almost two years later) I have FINALLY gotten up the nerve to make my first post. 

Let's start at the beginning. I really got interested in the blogging world when I began planning my wedding in 2010. I was blown away with the ideas and DIY crafts shared on so many blogs. I made my invitations, programs, flower girl flower balls, card box,decor and more decor! It was such an awesome experience to be so hands-on with everything involving my wedding. 

Then came the post-wedding blues, it seriously is a condition! What was I going to blog about now? Along came PINTEREST (did you hear the heavens open up and sing). Oh my word! Hours and hours and hours of my time was spent on this wonderful creation! (Yes I was a newly wed, but I'm a teacher and my hubby worked second shift.) My first board was "Oh how I love food". I loved finding great recipes and making exquisite meals for my hubby to come home to. 

Pinterest is where my love of blogging truly developed. Teachers, really great teachers, very often get their best ideas from other teachers  Do you know how many awesome teachers there are!?! I found myself reading post after post about the most amazing ideas and strategies to implement into my classroom. I felt as if I had walked into each of these classrooms and had heartfelt conversations with each teacher. 

Just after nine months of marriage, the Mr. and I were blessed with a home we could only dream about! I was told that rain on your wedding day is good luck, but God truly blessed us with more than we could ever have asked for. Here again I created another board on Pinterest, let the pinning begin! (who doesn't have a home of their dreams designed on Pinterest?) Here again I found myself on every blog I could find getting to know homeowner after homeowner, diyer after diyer, and interior designer after interior designer! I could not wait to start making our house a home.

And the good luck of the rain continued....

Less than a month as a homeowner, on the Fourth of July, 2012, as we prepared to host our very first cookout, came the greatest news of our lives.... WE WERE HAVING A BABY!!!!! Immediately the home decorating took a backseat, as pregnancy and nursery decorating took the driver and passenger seats. The Mr. was still working second shift so after lesson plans were complete and papers were graded, I would pin and blog until my hearts content.

This is when I decided that I not only did I love seeing a glimpse into the lives of teachers, decorators,  cooks, mothers, and so many more individuals, but that I too wanted to welcome others I into my world. So began "It's a Shaw World After All". (All credit goes to my talented hubby for coming up with the blog's name, thanks babe!)

See you soon,